Alone, Together: Rachel Mennies
September 14, 2016
Welcome back to The Lonely Hour’s pre-season two mini-series. This is the third of five essay episodes; I had commissioned the pieces over the summer, and I’ve picked a handful of my favorites to be read to you by the writers themselves. The first was Jamie Feldmar’s “I’m Not Lonely, But I’m Not Bragging” and the second came from writer and professional traveler Matt Gross.
Today we have “On the Fence” by Rachel Mennies, a writing professor at at Carnegie Mellon University. “The main difference between myself and my tenure-track office-mates, besides their heightened job security and income, is our degree of isolation,” she writes. “I’ve never met any of the faculty in my wing, though they appear to know each other.” Listen to her read the rest of her essay below.
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The Lonely Hour #11: Rachel Mennies Is 'On the Fence' by The Lonely Hour