Season 1, Episode 6: Entrepreneurship with Brian Bordainick, Patrick Janelle, and Jill Lindsey
March 16, 2016
According to the Small Business Administration, there are nearly 28 million small businesses operated in the US. And of these, 78.5 percent are individually owned. We idolize the Mark Zuckerbergs of the world, but many of those entrepreneurs struggle through anxiety and loneliness on their way to the top—if they ever reach it.
Brian Bordainick is on his way to reaching it. The owner of Dinner Lab, a member-based pop-up dinner event company that spotlights up-and-coming chefs, his company is growing—and fast. In this episode, I talk to him, to Patrick Janelle of Spring Street Social Society, who was also on our social media episode, and Jill Lindsey, owner of her eponymous boutique in Brooklyn, about the stresses of owning a growing business.
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#06 Entrepreneurship: Brian Bordainick, Patrick Janelle, and Jill Lindsey by The Lonely Hour