Season 2, Episode 1: Our Host, Julia Bainbridge
December 26, 2016
Season two of The Lonely Hour is alive! I’ve joined up with the team at The Listening Booth, home of Memory Motel and What’s Happening Here, and we can’t wait to show you what’s in store; we’re going to discuss expat life, solitary confinement, fetishism, divorce, and much more. The format is changing—most episodes will run under fifteen minutes—and each discussion will be sharper and tighter (we hope!).
First, though, a kind of intro episode. I realize, looking back at season one, that there was a big question I didn’t answer. It’s a question that I get from people every time I describe the show to them, and it’s an obvious question to want to know the answer to when you’re talking to someone who has created a show called The Lonely Hour.
Why am I doing this? What’s my stake in this podcast? Why am I on this journey?
In this first episode of the show’s second season, I attempt to answer that. Have a listen and let me know if it resonates with you. And after this, I’m going to shut up for a while and let other people tell their stories as the season continues.
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#14 Our Host, Julia Bainbridge, Tells Her Story by The Lonely Hour